Support FRC

Help us pay the bills!

Do you like the work we’re doing at Front Row Central? Want to see more of it, and help fund our future projects, including commentary, podcast, and video reviews? Want to help keep us ad-free and make it so our writers can get paid? Then please donate to FRC.

This page is where all donation information and future projects will be listed, so we can show you exactly where your money is going.

First and foremost, your donations will be going to the site itself, keeping us ad-free and paying for domain renewals and upkeep. Secondly, donations go towards budgeting for movie-related purchases, meaning tickets or VOD purchases for films that we don’t get screeners of. Next come purchases of software and equipment so we can create new film review-related projects. Finally, money goes towards paying our writers so they can eat, and also paying for guest bloggers to bring in new perspectives on cinema.

Right now the best way to donate is through PayPal. Watch this space for upcoming details on Patreon and other opportunities.